Nepal to Host Connecting Dots between Data and Business
24th Feb 2021, Kathmandu
Women in Big Data-Nepal Announces Webinar on “Connecting dots between data and business” for all the Data Enthusiast.
The goal of Women in Big Data is to strengthen the diversity in the big data field. The organization was established with an aim to encourage and attract more female talent to the big data and analytics field. The community provides a great opportunity to connect, engage, grow and inspire women in the field of big data.
Women in Big Data – Nepal is going to conduct a Virtual Webinar on the topic “Connecting dots between data and business” (27th Feb 2021, Saturday, 2 PM – 4 PM) for all the interested audience regardless of gender. The event will share knowledge about how data-driven business in the context of Nepal and is being conducted on the Zoom platform.
Rhishikesh Nepal is a Product owner & Senior Business Analyst, associated with eXtensoData (Wings of F1Soft International Company) for the past 2.5 years working in building various data-centric products, especially catering to banks with the core objective of supported them in digitizing their business by developing prescriptive and predictive solution.
The event will mainly focus on highlighting the Growth in the Business industry using Big Data Technology and its opportunity. This event will also intend to exchange ideas and insights on how their organization is using big data analytics and the challenges they have faced so far. It will discuss trends and opportunities in big data analytics in business.
The attendees will be able to get exposure to the growth of business using big data technology and its trends and opportunities.
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