Cutting The Costs Of Cyber Crime, Awareness Of Cyber Security
39th Training Conducted by Cyber Security International (CSI) in Adikabi Bhanubhakta Campus, Damauli Tanahu District.
Initially, Concept of Cyber Security Awareness in Nepal has been revealed by Dr. Ramhari Subedi, who lives in Washington DC; also, he is the founding president of and the first appointed Cyber Security Advisor of Central Investigation Department of Nepal Police.
Now Dr. Subedi, the CEO of Cyber Security International, is launching cybersecurity awareness campaign nation-wide. Firstly through Kathmandu, Jhapa, and Chitwan.
A CSI team led by Regional Director and CSI Trainer Mr. Chiranjeevee Pokhrel including Program Coordinator Pooja Gurung, guest Samikshya Adhikari conducted the Awareness Generating Program at Adhikari Bhanubhakta Campus, Damauli, which is considered the second biggest college in Western Nepal.
This program was started with some formal speech delivered by Chief Guest Mr. Maha Prasad Hadkhale who is the Deputy Campus Chief, Chairperson Mr. Rajan Ghimire who is the HOD of Science and Technology Department, Education Department Head Ms. Kalpana Lamsal, Faculty members – Mr. Anil Shrestha, Mr. Sagar Neupane and Mr. Sagar Poudel. Most of the trainees belonged to ICT and Computer Science.
The resource person of the program Regional Director Mr. Chiranjeevee Pokhrel displayed all 74 slides prepared by CEO Dr. Ramhari Subedi and explained in brief.
Within 15 min short break, the college fed tiffin to all the participants including the students, guests and resource team.
Afterward, the second level training started, where Mr. Pokhrel focused on DOs and DON’Ts in the use of a stand-alone computer, Internet, E-mail and Social Media including Facebook and Skype. The trainees learned about the recovery options as well.
The program continued for 4 hours, i.e., from 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm. The participants including the guests and students provided complete positive feedback. All of them were honored with CSI’s Basic Certificate, and the Chairperson of the event Mr. Rajan Ghimire formally announced the completion of the program.
Today’s program has been conducted with the initiation under the complete coordination of Mr. Girija Prasad Subedi, Administrator of the college and the member in several organizations including Rotary Club. CSI team would like to thank the event coordinator Mr. Girija Prasad Subedi.