Cyber Security Awareness Is About Both Knowing And Doing
August 8, 2016 – 23rd cybersecurity awareness program at Davi Higher Secondary School, Birtamode Jhapa which is one of the prominent management school and college or great college In Jhapa district.
The present participants were students of computer science from the college. D.R Niraj Adhikari spoke on the issues, challenges and possible remedies for cybersecurity in Nepal.
D.R Niraj Adhakari started the presentation with a small intro about IT evolution with the following explanation about development in capabilities of attackers to carry out complicated attacks with few knowledge and resources. Today the main threat of information breach is from internal stakeholders slightly from hackers or cyber terrorist so organizations must simultaneously improve their defenses against these threats and the general public increase their knowledge about possible cyber threats.
Continuing the presentation D.R Adhikari spoke on topics such as malware, ransomware, network security, Advantage and disadvantage of social network and need for awareness programs like this. Since social media is the primary source of cybercrimes in Nepal; he highlighted the need to be aware of what should/should not be shared in it. One must be mindful about the possible consequences of ignoring these measures. More than 50 students took the participant in this program.
The participants were very excited to present in the session and requested to be part of this effort by CSI Nepal team to spread awareness across Nepal. Most of them stressed on the need to take this type of program to school level, rural area where these problems are high in frequency.
The students were enthusiastic though out the program expressing their excitement of being a part of such a program. They were quite an interaction in the application showing their agreement to the various idea and knowledge shared by the experts.
The teacher of computer science in the college and other teacher were also present in the program, terming it as a new, prosperous and very productive session in informing students about cybersecurity. The college administration also expressed willingness to organize a few more meetings from CSI Nepal shortly, the participant student even expresses their happiness and give hot thanks.