ISOC Nepal Leads The WSIS+10 Review Process
Consultation Meeting of WSIS+10 Review process and Position of Nepal.
The Internet Society Nepal Chapter, in collaboration with CAN Federation of Nepal, ISP Association of Nepal conducted a multi-stakeholder consultation under Internet Governance to discuss the priorities and concerns of Nepalese stakeholder in relation to the ongoing overall review by the General Assembly of the implementation by the help of outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10 Review).
Nepal required democratization and broad-basing of the global affairs of Internet Governance and Telecommunication. This was the main message taken forward by the ISOC Nepal, Advocate Mr. Baburam Aryal while he leads the WSIS+Review process and Position of Nepal. His focused on The Internet as a Tool for Social Development. Nepal expressed its desire that ITU could play a more active role in the global Internet governance as envisaged during the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS).
The Chief Guest of this Review Process and Position of Nepal is Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Pokharel, Vice Chairperson of National Planning Commission. Mr. Nick Aston Hart, Executive Director, Internet & Digital Ecosystem Alliance (IDEA) presented the value of WSIS+10. Other Guests are Director of NTA, Aananda Raj Khanal, Mr. Birendra K. Mishra, Director General, Department of IT, Government of Nepal, CAN Federation Vice President Mr. Hemant Chaurasia, President of ISP Association of Nepal and other individual delegates, Media persons, IT enthusiasts, Professionals, and expertise, etc. Mr. Santosh Sigdel, General Secretary of ISOC Nepal, presented the WSIS+10 review process and showed the status of Nepal in past years as compared to the regional wise and worldwide. The WSIS+10 Process marks the ten-year milestone since the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), a two-phase summit (2003 AD to 2005 AD) which defined the issues, policies, and frameworks to tackle information and communication technologies (ICTs) to rapid development.
The entire Review process will be concluded by a High-level meeting of the UN General Assembly on December 15th and 16th, 2015 in New York. Currently, the United Nations is facilitating a preparatory process for the WSIS+Ten Review in consultation with the Member States and relevant stakeholders.