National ICT Club Network Launched
ICT is one of the biggest challenges for developing professional networks to make your carrier more advance. As you are a member of the National ICT club, you must be connected to the community of professional networking events, social occasion forum, etc. You must swap ideas and collaborate your attention on the project and meet the next employer.
You must be in touch with the latest news, issues trends and research to build your career in National ICT club. Being a member, you must receive flagship magazine which accesses to get employment, advice, technical papers, education supports and many more.
Member conduct
As a member of the National ICT club, you must hold the honor, effectiveness, dignity for being professional. You must be a good citizen acting with the law and must follow the code of professional conduct.
The code of ethics identifies six sore ethical valued and the associated requirements of professional conduct. The National ICT club requires its members to abide by these values and follow the responsibility and integrity of all other professional dealings.
The main aim is to ensure their works to the highest level of professionalism which provider the better quality to maintain credibility and prestige.
It helps to ensure maintain those standards and enable complaints to be considered and evaluate the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken.