Prime College And NCC Signed, Academia Industry Tie-UP
Nepal Certifying Company and Prime College agreed on an agreement regarding the implementation of a Digital Signature Certificate. This agreement flows the positive message on the student about Digital Signature and security awareness in the IT sector.
Prime college is one of the leading colleges which is the first Nepalese college to implement Digital signature and Certificate. At the program the Principal of prime college Naresh Prasad Shrestha said that The quality education is the basic need of the society so for the updated quality education implementation of modern technology is most, application of the digital signature be one of the positive messages to the student about the paperless office automation and security awareness.
Mr. Biplav Man Singh Chairman of Nepal Certifying Company said, “This agreement comes live with our initiative to encourage IT security awareness paperless transaction activity and more efficient and practical education updating technology.
NCC information security company, provide DSC to a different sector in Nepal. NCC is the managing partner of Radiant InfoTech Nepal Private Ltd, the only issuing Certifying authority in Nepal.