Some Cool Things Siri Can Do.
Siri is the virtual assistant for Apple’s iPhone. It has been famous for long since it was introduced and it has been able to take the position for too long. Even after the competing companies bringing out best in their virtual assistant, Siri is considered to be the most popular among all.
Apple users might be aware of things that Siri can do, but she is capable of more than you think. Thanks to Siri that we have been able to do so much with its help. And here are some things that even the I phone users might not have noticed about Siri.
You can look up for how much Calories are you eating in your dinner or lunch with the help of Siri. You have to ask her by saying “Siri, how many calories are in a _____?”. And she is going to answer you. She will give other information about the food too.
Do you need a good password? Siri will give you a password of great strength if you say “password.” Do you want Siri to call you by a different name? You can give yourself cool nicknames by telling Siri to “Call me _____ from now on.”
Similarly, you can know what is flying above your head. I mean the information about the planes flying is easily given by Siri.
You can also ask codes of different languages to Siri. You can teach Siri to pronounce your name correctly. You can also make her read your recent texts. If you are going to have to remember about some works, you can tell her to make you remember those works just by saying remind me about this including the time of reminder. While you are driving a car, you may not be able to change the song by yourself. However, Siri will do it for you. Even while using other Apps you can control them by the use of Siri.
There is a time which is rare when Siri makes mistakes with your speech so you can correct those mistake by tapping in the speech bubble. If you got tired of talking to Siri, you could also dismiss her by just saying bye.