Using Technology To Enhance Teaching And Learning, Sanjeev Parajuli

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Banker, Motivational Speaker Sanjeev Parajuli, Building motivation for youth, He explains facts and experiments clearly and accurately While teaching in Nepal Commerce Campus. Currently, He is working as a Supervisor/Customer Service associated with a large Retail Business shop in the USA. 

How do you define yourself?

First of all, I would like to give thanks for ICT for providing me the platform to share my words. I think I am an extrovert person. I like to make the new friends around I live and in my work. In addition, I believe in the win-win relationship. I normally forgive the people for their mistake.

Tell us about your hobbies and interests?

My hobby is to travel. I love traveling to new places and countries with my family members. Every year, I used to travel to a new place with my families but now I am thinking to go outside the country every year. Similarly, I like to read the newspaper especially business news, watch news channel and watch action movies. In addition, I have interest in getting knowledge about the financial market and financial instruments like stock (shares), bonds, options, mutual funds, life insurance.

Will you please share us your habit on the use of social media?

When I get some free time, I used to open Facebook and Twitter. But, I am very passive users in such social media. In Facebook, I just watch the movements of my friends and families but I barely update my profiles and status. In addition, whenever I get free time, I love to read political & business news from different Nepali websites like Nagariknews, Ekantipur, Ratopati, Setopati, Bizmandu, Online bar, Phil post, Merolagani, and ICTFRAME etc. In addition, I used to read economic news from Bloomberg, Reuters, Forbes, CNBC and other. In free time, I used to watch CNN and local TV stations. Besides these, I used to connect with my friends and families through Viber, whats apps and face time.

You worked as a Lecturer and a banker in Nepal. What factors inspired you to get in Teaching as well as Banking profession?

When I was a graduate student, we used to talk a lot about different job/professions in the market. The most popular jobs at that time were government jobs, NGO/INGOs job, army/police jobs and corporate houses jobs. But, I was looking for the job which gave me both public relations as well as financial benefits. So after my analysis, I concluded that teaching is a highly respected profession with a lot of public relations and banking is a financially lucrative job in the Nepalese market.
Ultimately, I decided to take classes in the morning time and perform a full-time banking job in the day time. Hence, after my graduation, I started to apply for both teaching and banking job. Fortunately, I got both positions in almost same time, and I began teaching in September 2005 as a part-time Lecturer in Nepal Commerce Campus and joined Kumari Bank Ltd in October 2005 as a Treasury dealer position.

Indeed my past activities as a private tutor after my SLC exam also helps me to build my passion towards teaching. I used to teach my friends and juniors when I was a college student. This also motivates me towards teaching professions.

You were in good position in the bank, and you were a part-time Lecturer in TU affiliated campus. It means you had a good reputation, locations, salary, car home and other facilities here in Nepal, but you quit everything and migrated to the USA. Why did you do that?

This is the question I had been asked many times in my life from my relatives, friends, and well-wishers before I left to the USA. Opportunity and globalization are the shortest and sweetest answer to this question. Yes, it was true that I got to name, fame and wealth from my past jobs. But I want to make my knowledge base broader.Also, I want to develop myself and my family members in broad perspectives. I am also in the firm belief that migration is one of the reasons that help the people in the world to upgrade themselves. For instance, if my parents and ancestors were not migrated to the rural area from remote villages, then we might not get better educations, jobs or health benefits.
I got all those better since our parents migrated from a remote area to the city. Hence, considering all these, I decided to quit all my positions and emigrate to the USA which I believe the land of opportunity. I have a strong belief that I will be globally sellable in the job market once I get another educational degree and some experience from the USA.

What did you observe the significant difference in Nepal and USA?

The first thing I observed is the characters of the people. The majority of the people in the USA are gentle and more importantly ethical. But in Nepal, I found the majority of people have shallow moral values. Nepalese people talk more than work. Nepotism is the worst thing in Nepal. They deliver a good lecture and provide sound advice to everyone, but they act differently than they speak. Second points I observed difference here in the USA is people respect every jobs, professions or status. People are not ranked here based on his job profession, wealth, position, status. But the story is exceptionally opposite in Nepal. The third main difference I noticed is a way of doing the work. In the USA people are based on technology. People here made their job easier with technological development. A vast or significant work can be accomplished by just a couple of workforce. For instance, most of the primary customer services job is made through automated computer technology like paying bills, activating debit/credit cards, balance inquiry, general inquiry, and appointments and so on.  But in Nepal technological uses are very low.

Why are Nepalese youths encourage to go abroad?

A country cannot be developed when it has people with broad vision, good ethics, and positive attitude. Unless the people quit their negative thinking or fight for small matters, the country would not be prosperous.  Looking at the history of developed countries, most of the states developed themselves within the last 200 years. Every country has a history of internal as well as external war. In my opinion, just only remaining within our modern theory-based education, traditional working culture, hoarding wealth for our future generation, etc. would barrier the development of the country. So to break these all, I encourage youth to go outside the country. In my opinion, if people move abroad, his or her vision, thinking and knowledge base will increase. Once people see, feel, learn, and understand the world, his way of thinking could be changed. Hence, Nepalese youth should be encouraged to go abroad.

Can the Nepalese leader change the economy of Nepal?

Looking towards the past and present activities of the leader, it is hard to expect the excellent result from these leaders. As I said earlier, the main problem in Nepalese people and the leader is ethics. Our present leaders have the greedy mentality. They think about themselves and their families. Until the leaders stay within such narrow boundaries, I could not expect good results from these leaders. Also, when there is some interest in his profession, I guess such people could not deliver the best results.

Do you have anything to share with your readers through ICT FRAME?

Based on my experience, I suggest every reader enhance the thinking level and try to make it broad. As I said earlier, instead of occupying your mind by small matters, one should try to adopt positive thinking and broad vision. One of the ways to make the vision or thinking broad is living or studying in foreign countries. But this might not be easy and accessible for most of the Nepalese people. Hence, a simple way can be like reading different journals, articles, interviews or stories on websites. It can be easily found in sites in minimum costs or most of the time free. There are different talk programs which also broadens our thinking. One of my best show is “Ted Talk” ( Also, one can find different solutions on youtube. These are some methods that we can enhance our knowledge, vision and even English listening power. After I came here to the USA, I found a big gap in working, thinking and doing business here. For instance, the banking system here in the USA is far advanced in comparison to Nepal. Many banking technologies and methods that are here can be implemented in Nepal with very less cost. But when I was in Nepal working at a bank, we had not even imagined such facilities. We all were trying to give new products to customers by just putting the same wine in new bottles, i.e., just traditional banking. Hence, I like to urge every reader to be broad thinkers and at least try to give some new concept in work or community.

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