What’s The New Version Of Android ?
Even after Google I/O, everyone was unknown about the name of the new version of Android. Android has been coming up with names like Cupcake, Donut, Eclairs, Gingerbread, KitKat, Lollipop, etc. since their start.
The version is named after the sweet foods like a jellybean, etc. The previous version was a lollipop, and the latest version that is still to arrive is the one that starts with letter M as they have using the alphabets from ABCD… to name the versions.
Google VP of Engineering Dave Burke unveiled Android M with his watch face set to a photo of a milkshake. It is not confirmed, but that sign made people think the new version might be named as Milkshake.
However, he let his Twitter followers know that it was just a doodle in the watch and the rumors of milkshake were exaggerated.
Google did let us know that the new version has some cool features like support for fingerprint which will help people to be secure about the payment system of Google play and the elements of privacy control is a good step of Google as its always criticized for it privacy concern.
But the question remains here, What does the M in the Android M stand for? This question has attracted everyone’s attention now, and we don’t know when we are going to know about that, but it better be soon.