Zoom For Video Conference in Nepal
Kathmandu, May 6th, 2020
Zoom video conference software is now licensed at all local levels for online meetings in Nepal.
A software license will be provided of Zoom for Video Conference in Nepal by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration. Moreover, this event is with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
All 753 local level government offices are being approached to provide necessary details of the official person to access the Zoom license.
All Ministries, State government and local levels are receiving one license each from UNDP to smoothly run Zoom for a video conference in Nepal.
Meanwhile, local and state governments can click here to send details for licensed zoom software.
Why Zoom for Video Conference in Nepal?
Millions of people all over the world are staying home to help stop the spread of COVID-19. During these lockdowns and quarantines, people have found a new way to stay connected with their family, friends, and business.
Zoom, one of the dozens of video conferencing services, is rising to the top with the love and support of all its users. In fact, the app is providing generous services that its competitors lack. To the broad consumers, the best-selling point of the zoom app is that it is free. In addition, it also offers 40- minute conference calls with up to 100 attendees. The app is very easy to use and requires no login to access a meeting.
Because of its delightful experience, more people in Nepal have started choosing Zoom over the likes of Skype and Google Meet.
Be it for business purpose or personal, at times of social distancing, Zoom has brought everyone together. Today, everyone knows about Zoom – Parents, Co-workers, friends, neighbors, and even our grandparents. It has certainly become a household name.
Zoom, today has an emotional connection with its wide users. People in Nepal widely and happily use Zoom for staying connected with their loved ones. That is to say, they share their birthdays, their little happy hours via Zoom.
It was only a matter of time; Zoom for Video Conference in Nepal is now official in all state and local levels. We certainly hope the app provides an ease to the Nepal government for taking necessary actions to fight this pandemic.
Stay safe, stay home, and keep Zooming!
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