224 Free Training and Concessional Loans from Banijya Banks to Startups
1st May 2021, Kathmandu
Under the call for start-up ideas, Rastriya Banijya Bank – a government-invested bank, will provide free training and concessional loans to 224 individuals. The bank has made the suggested list for Idea Call public.
The innovation proposal was submitted to Mangsir 24 in collaboration with the Bagmati State Government, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forestry, and Environment, Rastriya Banijya Bank, and the Vishal Foundation. Rastriya Banijya Bank reported that the best idea from the submitted ideas was chosen.
The selected proposers will be rewarded with free training and a concessional loan sum to help them get started in the business.
It is claimed that this will provide the entire package needed to become an entrepreneur.