Kathmandu Metropolitan Tax Payment Now From ConnectIPS
7th November 2021, Kathmandu
The Kathmandu Metropolitan City has started the facility of paying all the taxes of the people from their bank accounts through ConnectIPS so that the taxes of the local government can be paid online. For this facility, Kathmandu Metropolitan City has been connected to ConnectIPS through Nabil Bank.
Along with this facility, the taxpayers will be able to pay the property tax, land tax, business tax, restoration tax, including all taxes, fees, and service charges at home by filing at home and making an initial assessment, and paying online through ConnectIPS e-payment.
It is believed that this facility will be convenient for the taxpayers as they will no longer have to go to the office to pay taxes and wait in line for a long time.
The system has two platforms including public and core portals. Among them, the features of the public portal are accessible to the general public. By opening the site, the taxpayer will be able to make an initial assessment of his business, real estate, or other taxes himself using this feature. The taxpayer will know how much tax he has to pay.
After forwarding these details, the tax assessment officer will approve the tax assessment on the basis of prevailing laws and rates. Taxpayers will then be able to file taxes from their online payment system or by visiting the ward.
Chief of the Revenue Department, Nurnidhi Neupane, said that the system was developed on the basis of the policy of building a progressive tax system in the metropolitan.
The ward has been given the right to assess revenue up to Rs. 200,000 annually. The metropolitan is conducting training for the experimental learning of software by dividing the ward into four groups for two days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.