Know Who Unfriend You On Facebook

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Have you ever wondered why you have been increasing the number of friends on Facebook, but the name seems to be decreasing anyway? Facebook has been a part of our daily life. For some, it’s even hard to stay without using Facebook for some time. And thus with Facebook, we have been connecting the whole world basically to our people who we want to reach out to.
So, during the time of using Facebook, we send friend requests to people that we want to connect with, and we also accept those requests coming from others. This process goes on and even after that if we check our profiles, we won’t get the full number of friends that we have added or send requests too.
That may be because our friends might have deleted their account, but there also might be other reasons for that. One is that we might have removed someone from our friend list and next might be someone has deleted us from theirs.
As the process of accepting and deleting continues, we don’t know what number of friends we have been disconnected with as there is no such drastic change at once and we don’t keep count of friends as we only focus on those we connect daily.
If we are deleted by one of those we would know very soon but not with those who are just friends on Facebook. It’s not that hard to find out how many of the Facebook friends have deleted us if we start calculating the number of friends we add and how much is left. But still, we won’t be able to keep a record of every name and faces.
But no worries as there is something that can do it for you letting you know who you did get disconnected in the Facebook. There are so many profiles created on Facebook either with fake names or with the real ones. So it is evident that people might be deleting their profiles or blocking and deleting others.
Therefore friends in the list might decrease or increase eventually. So a new app has been introduced to find out who has deleted you on Facebook. The app is named after “who deleted me” as it will track the record of your friends in the Facebook and their information too and when the list is rechecked if their friend doesn’t exist where you will be notified that the friend has deleted you.
Its also available as a plugin to the browser. The only thing it cannot do is it wont let you know about those friends who have deleted you before you installed this application or plugin. So you might be a little disappointed with that news. However, now you will be able to know who deleted you so you wont have to keep wondering who are lost from your friendliest.
If you friend is deleting you, you could know it easily and can ask the reason or just ignore. At least you were aware about. Even if the app works on a simple principle, its going to be liked by many users as they wont have to wonder who deleted them.

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