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18th May 2022, Kathmandu

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has submitted its budget proposals to the National Planning Commission, requesting more than Rs. 9 billion for the fiscal year 2079/80.

The Commission and the Ministry of Finance had previously established a budget cap of Rs. 8.65 billion.

Binod Prakash Singh, the Ministry’s Joint Secretary and Spokesperson, stated that the implementation of the Digital Nepal Framework and the availability of internet service across the nation are among the priorities for the future years.

“We have requested a budget of far more Rs 9 billion since the budget cap is insufficient for us,” he said in an interview with Technology News.

The Ministry has earlier notified that the work of the Digital Nepal Acceleration Project is being carried out with the aid of the World Bank in order to effectively execute the Digital Nepal Framework objectives.

READ ALSO: Emphasis on Improving the ‘Digital Nepal Framework’

According to Singh, the ministry has also prioritized the development of IT parks, the construction of data centers, and the advancement of information technology.

“We have asked for a budget that will link information technology development across the country,” he stated.

The Ministry intends to carry over the initiatives that could not be completed in Fiscal Year 2078/79 into the Fiscal Year 2079/80.

Today, there is a presentation in the Legislature-Parliament to outline the principles and priorities of the next budget.


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