‘LOCUS 2018’, the most significant undergraduate level Technical Exhibition in Nepal, with an exciting history of over 15 years of supporting innovation and creativity locally. A gathering of technology enthusiasts, futurists and like-minded academicians, LOCUS at Pulchowk Campus has developed itself as a platform for students all over the country to showcase their technology projects and for others as a platform to witness the future of Technology.
This year LOCUS will host its main-event, “15th National Technological Festival” with the theme “Smart City: Using ICT” on 19th, 20th, and 21st of Magh (2nd,3rd and 4th of February). There will be an extensive display of related projects and competitions during the main event with several events happening before and after the commitment date.
LOCUS 2018 is publishing Zerone Scholar, a student journal dedicated to the undergraduate students, supported by IEEE Nepal subsection, focused on the field of Electronics, Computer and Electrical Engineering. Interested students are requested to submit their technical papers to be published in the scholar.
LOCUS is the largest nation-wide technological festival conducted by students of Institue of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus. Held annually, this event continues to be the most anticipated technological fests of the country. This year LOCUS 3-day exhibition is going to be held on Magh 19-21, 2074. The theme for this year is ‘Smart City: Information and Technology’.
In this season of election, Smart City has been quite a buzzword for the candidates. However, We might miss out on the important aspect of how it can really be made possible. It is not just free wifi, or automated traffic system. It is rather a clean, beautiful and organized city that is implemented in practice through extensive research.
nepal locus
Considering this burning issue of need to understand smart city, LOCUS 2018 will be organizing various programs, seminars and exhibition on the theme Smart City: Information and Technology’. LOCUS is a student body of electronics, computer and electrical engineering of pulchowk engineering campus working for the promotion of technology and the spirit of competition among students.
Locus 2018
The annual technical exhibition: LOCUS is going to be held on Magh 19-21, 2074 at IOE, Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur. The three days event is one of the most anticipated technological festivals in Nepal and is the 15th edition. Since 2003, LOCUS has been an opportunity for the students to display their projects and ideas. Its core values lies around the motto ‘Competition builds Quality’.
Along with the 3-day main event on Magh 19, 20, 21 hosting competitions in the hardware, software and electrical categories, there are various pre-events that may support these ideas or even help to visualize a new one. Following events are to be organized this year:
Dronacharya – a drone competition
Robo warz – an extensive robot fight
Crash Course on Robotics
code jam
Code camp
Talk Show with motivational and inspirational figures
MATLAB Simulation
Paper Presentation
Energy hackathon
Tech debates
Zerone magazine and scholar publish
Technical quiz competition for +2 students
Photography competition
Flash mob
Children in Technology (a social initiative)
and many more
The theme for LOCUS 2018 was released on December 1, 2017 at Pulchowk Engineering College in the presence of professors, students from various colleges and media personnel’s. LOCUS 2018 encourages all the enthusiastic students identify a problem, build a team, come up with an idea and act on it. It also draws the attention of hardware and software companies, engineering colleges and all the concerned authority for the co-operation and collaboration.
The redesigned version of the Google play store is to be rolled out to Android devices. The development of the redesigned Google play store is reported by folks at Android central who received the updates already. The Google engineer Kirill Grovchnikor spilling the beans on mobile getting a visual overhaul on the play store.
The new design is inspired by Google’s real design language which offers different tap for games or apps and the provided content which is by the digital market place.
The redesigned Google highlights the banner at the top that features popular content across all categories. Every substance is color-coded which is followed a theme.
It has some features which recently ramped Google logo and horizontal scrolling for navigation to aid discovery.
It will roll out from Google’s end for the update not as an app update.
iOS 9 is full of enhancement which will appreciate you every day and your apps become essentials. The multitasking features of the iPad make you more productive. Siri can do more and new proactive suggestion which helps you to get the things you ask before. It has some improvement at the foundation level of the operating system which enhances battery life, performance, and security. The more you do with iOS 9, it will wonder you how you did without it ever.
The powerful built-in apps designed for the essential things you use them on your iPhone and iPad every day such as mail, web browsing, messages, maps, making notes and many more. iOS 9 brings the key enhancement to your apps which introduce a new brand that will change how you experience.
iOS 9 has added new apps on your home screen. All the exciting stories you kept in one place. So you don’t have to hunt different apps and website to make sure for not missing the next big story. All the articles are pulled from a wide range of sources which is from the top organization to indie publication. Stories are chosen by what you would like to and use the news which will be better to pick out just what you want to optimize for beautiful experience no matter which device you are using.
ADSL Internet Service which is provided by Nepal Telecom has been degrading from some month. This has caused an inconvenience to the customers of ADSL service. Not just all the places but they have been worst in some of the places
People of Rajbiraj have been complaining that the ADSL, the internet has been suffering due to prolonged internet service.
Different media including Rajbiraj today, grid Madhes, clan post, etc. have been said to suffer due to the slow internet which is resulting in the slow publication of the news. Even after the network is seen in the Router, the website taking a very long time and sometimes even hours to open are the main problem as said by a media. People there are suffering due to the fluctuation in the network.
The problem has also not been adequately addressed by the telecom is what they are complaining about as well. As the internet is a must in communication and media, it would be hard to work without it. The newspaper work has been quite affected due to the disturbance on the internet.
Even after so many complaints, they made to the telecom; their service has not been able to provide the desired bandwidth. The situation is said to be the same even after the technical team has worked to improve the service.
The Internet is one of the essential parts of the Communication sector can create a huge effect. Therefore proper internet service should be provided primarily to the media sector as they are the ones who have a significant role in the flow of information. The internet connection in the capital, however, has been much faster than before.
Nepal Telecom with its ADSL service has also been able to satisfy most of the customers of capital as well as other places. However, the fluctuation in some areas can create a mess at times. With a higher number of ISP, the competition has been increasing day by day.
We will see whether or not NT will be able to stand top in the competition. We look forward to better internet service in the future, and thus better flow of information will be possible.