Insurance Authority Districts in Property Purification and Insurance Company Operator
25th November 2022, Kathmandu
Insurance authority districts in property purification, an Insurance company operator, and CEO to send reports to police
Nepal Insurance operator who invests in property purification and terrorist activities must be more aware of insurance companies’ rules and regulations make it strict.
Every permitted insurance company working on purifying property and terrorist activities has been strictly warned by the authority to make tight rules.
The concerned authority has warned police to know about the crimes that have been happening in the insurance company and questioned the CEO. For that CEO and operators of the insurance company have to submit reports to the concerned authorities and police.
They also must submit reports related to the founder sharing business, asking permission from the concerned authorities, and buyers’ police report.
Following that, in this report, they also have to maintain the said person, ether political or not, and the total information about the insured person and citizenship.
The authority has also mentioned that the person who has done life insurance of more than 25 lakhs of the said person’s complete information should be kept by the insurance company.
The authority also said to increase the number of workers training working to purify property in the insurance companies and also terrorist activities.